- Estimated time 30 - 45 mins
- Quick bath with deep cleaning shampoo & conditioning
- Tearless facial cleanser
- Towel dry & blow dry
- Breathe spray
- Cologne
- Bandana, Bow tie, Bows & Piercings
Small Breeds- up to 15"
- Estimated Time 1 - 1 1/2 hours
- Bath with deep cleaning shampoo & conditioning
- Tearless facial cleanser
- Towel dry & blow dry
- Brushing/combing (de-matting & or de-shedding & thinning cut of coat)
- Ear cleansed, deodorized, lightly plunked if needed
- Anal glands externally expressed (if requested)
- Nails clipped & filed
- Teeth brushed & breath spray
- Cologne
- Bandana, Bow tie, Bows & Piercings
- Estimated time 2 - 2 1/2 hours
- Great for when your pet need a little more then just a bath
- This package includes all the services provided in the "HYGIENE PACKAGE"
- As well as a full body clipping or scissoring
- We groom to "breed style" standards, clients preferences or customize style
$50.00- up
• We mainly work by appointments, so please call us to know our availability. We are a family owner and managed business. Please be aware that we may or may not have same day appointments.
Small Breeds:
Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese, Toy Poodle, Lhasa Apso, Beagle, Shih-Tzu, Pug, Doxie, Pomeranian, French Bulldog, Westie, Bichon Frise, etc.
*prices based on regularly groomed pets in good condition
Important Pricing Policy
Please be aware that some of our visiting pets require special handling or have additional needs. This is not
necessarily a reflection on your pet & may be because of age, temperament, disabilities, etc. if your pet needs
special assistance, a fee may be imposed of $10.00 - $25.00. We may have to end an appointment earlier if
temperament is too aggressive, or it will be extended. We do not sedate any pets.